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Pet Revolution WildWash Whitening Horse Shampoo

£15.22 GBP (tax included) £0.00 GBP
Only 7 left
Inventory quantity : 7

Unique formula containing natural blue pigment from the Chamomile Flower

This amazing whitening formula from Pet Revolution is unique, there are no other products on the market for horses containing natural blue pigments. A brilliant, concentrated shampoo that lasts for ages (a handy mixing bottle can be purchased separately).


equus bullet Uses a natural blue pigment derived from the Chamomile flower to brighten white or light coloured coats

equus bullet Contains Lavender and Ylang Ylang

equus bullet Removes even the worst stains from the coat, mane and tail

equus bullet Leaves a beautiful shine

equus bullet Concentrated formula, a little goes a long way.


Contains blue pigment from the Chamomile flower, Lavender and Ylang Ylang.

Size Guide

Available in a 300ml, 1L or 5L bottle.